"Let the voters decide"

Last Man Standing

So now we have Commissioner Jim Norman admitting that his biggest campaign contributor, Ralph Hughes contributed $500,000 with $100,000  from Norman’s wife to buy a $435,000 house together as an investment.

 What happened to the $165,000 difference?

 It appears that Hughes’ only “investment” was in getting Commissioner Norman to support things like tax-free construction zones which ultimately benefited Hughes’ company. 

Do we see a pattern here? Mr. Commissioner Ken Hagan was also a major recipient of Hughes money & “mentoring” and coincidently perhaps, Hagan is pushing his developer-friendly 11th hour tax abatement program for development; a multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded road and rail construction programs; and a (so far) failed attempt to allow commercial construction in rural areas along I-4 using tax incentives and public/private funding to pay for infrastructure. Read that: taxpayer money. 

Hagan is the last-man-standing of the three Hughes “boys”;  with Brian Blair and now Jim Norman out. Do we really need more of the same? Hillsborough taxpayers deserve better.

Let the voters decide.

Hillsborough County votes against Interstate 4 rural development plan

Commissioner Ken is now two for two in not supporting Task Force plan recommendations while he served as chair.

First there was the Transportation Task Force recommendation that included a 14% sales tax increase to pay for light-rail in Tampa. At the BOCC public hearing Ken rejected the tax and “had concerns” about the plan, yet he voted to “let the voters decide.”

The latest Hagan turn-around is his vote against the so-called I-4 Green Tech expansion Corridor. This might even be a third Task Force turn-around as the I-4 Corridor was a key recommedation of the Economic Stimulus Task Force.

We wait in breathless anticipation how Mr. Commissioner Hagan will vote down his latest proposal: a ten-year tax abatement for new and expanding businesses in the County.

Run Ken, Run

A formula for sprawl
May 10, 2010, 8:17 am
Filed under: I-4 Corridor | Tags: ,

The St. Pete Times calls Ken’s I-4 Green Tech Corridor “a formula for sprawl“.

Run Ken, Run

Urban Service Area expansion

Think of all the consultant jobs that will be created by expanding the Urban Services Area along the I-4 Corridor. They aren’t making any money now on all the existing commercial property already approved throughout the county.

Run Ken, Run