"Let the voters decide"

Cats, dogs or adults for County Commission District 5?

St. Pete Times reporter Bill Varian talks about candidates Linda Saul-Sena and Ken Hagan’s negative comments about each other. This has all the ear-marks of a cat and dog fight.

Jim Hosler comes off more like the thoughtful adult that he is.

Saul-Sena is reported as lashing out at Hagan for missing many meeting of the various county boards he represents. Hagan fires back that Saul-Sena nearly prevented IKEA from opening a new store in Ybor City.

Hagan likes to take credit for “studying” job creation.
Important, but unemployment under Hagan’s leadership 
increased from 8 to 12%.
He is disingenuous about being against taxes after he voted to recommend the biggest tax  increase in the history of Hillsborough County.

Linda is all about the soft stuff of “quality of life” issues.
Important, but it must be balanced with the quality of life that comes with having a good-paying job.
She is more than naive to believe that the Tampa Choo-Choo will bring jobs on Nov. 3rd for anyone other than for downtown Tampa lawyers, consultants and developers.

Jim Hosler for County Commission Countywide District 5
Jim Hosler on the other hand, has many years of experience at both the state and local government working with the small business community to create new jobs.

Hosler’s blog and website contain over 100 pages devoted to not only his positions on important topics, but also clear roadmaps on how he proposes to help bring Hillsborough County out of this recession.

Hosler is running with No Party Affiliation (NPA).

Hagan and Saul-Sena are both party-politic-puppets, always looking out for that next campaign donation, careful to deliver what is expected of them. Taxpayers only have their vote to help decide what the county does or does not do with their money.

Let the voters decide.

RINO Commissioner Hagan
"The Third-Term Panic", by Thomas Na...

Hagan, get the message: NO NEW TAXES!

Hillsborough County residents small-business owners, retirees, veterans and even government workers are demanding less government and no new taxes. What we are getting from Mr. Commissioner Hagan is NOT less government, less taxes, less socialism and more capitalism.   

Voters want RINO (Republican in name only) Commissioner Hagan to take less of their money and leave them alone.  Hagan says all the right things while running, but fails to deliver. Hagan is one of the political elite who has no idea how strongly everyday people feel that the County government is broken and not living up to their expectations. 

The Joe Six-Packs of Hillsborough County don’t want or need a Choo-Choo in downtown Tampa. Only the few, elite of Tampa will ever ride the thing. For every $9 round-trip ticket sold, it will cost County taxpayers $91. None of this new tax will help pay for schools, fire/rescue or safety. 

This election is nothing less than a referendum on what Hillsborough is to become for rich land owners and over-priced consultants. People are pushed to the brink and don’t need go-along-to-get-along Republican politicians like Hagan who is spending our tax dollars to fund Task Forces and through special interests, pushing for tax increases. Jim Hosler is the only REAL conservative running for County Commission. 

What happened to free market enterprise? 

Hagan is out of control. The 14% sales tax Hagan authored and voted to put on the ballot is being shoved down our throats. This is the largest tax increase in the history of Hillsborough. We are still paying for the last sales tax increase.  

Taxpayers just want to be left alone. Commissioner Hagan doesn’t know how to run our lives. Hagan showed that he doesn’t even know how to run the County Commission either. 

We need to shrink government, cut taxes and regulation, add jobs build companies around our universities and community colleges. Everything Hagan is doing is killing our jobs; it’s creating tax increases, debts and deficits that our kids and our grandkids are going to have to pay for. 

First-time candidate Jim Hosler knows this and is running a No Party Affiliation (NPA) campaign to help The County and residents get out of this current recession. He is not running to be reelected and he is not running for special interests. There will be no political party-boss or big-contributor influencing his decisions when he is County Commissioner. 

Let the voters decide.