"Let the voters decide"

Cats, dogs or adults for County Commission District 5?

St. Pete Times reporter Bill Varian talks about candidates Linda Saul-Sena and Ken Hagan’s negative comments about each other. This has all the ear-marks of a cat and dog fight.

Jim Hosler comes off more like the thoughtful adult that he is.

Saul-Sena is reported as lashing out at Hagan for missing many meeting of the various county boards he represents. Hagan fires back that Saul-Sena nearly prevented IKEA from opening a new store in Ybor City.

Hagan likes to take credit for “studying” job creation.
Important, but unemployment under Hagan’s leadership 
increased from 8 to 12%.
He is disingenuous about being against taxes after he voted to recommend the biggest tax  increase in the history of Hillsborough County.

Linda is all about the soft stuff of “quality of life” issues.
Important, but it must be balanced with the quality of life that comes with having a good-paying job.
She is more than naive to believe that the Tampa Choo-Choo will bring jobs on Nov. 3rd for anyone other than for downtown Tampa lawyers, consultants and developers.

Jim Hosler for County Commission Countywide District 5
Jim Hosler on the other hand, has many years of experience at both the state and local government working with the small business community to create new jobs.

Hosler’s blog and website contain over 100 pages devoted to not only his positions on important topics, but also clear roadmaps on how he proposes to help bring Hillsborough County out of this recession.

Hosler is running with No Party Affiliation (NPA).

Hagan and Saul-Sena are both party-politic-puppets, always looking out for that next campaign donation, careful to deliver what is expected of them. Taxpayers only have their vote to help decide what the county does or does not do with their money.

Let the voters decide.

District 5 race in three-way tie

 Bill Varian has some interesting things to say in today’s St. Pete Times about the three candidates running for the District 5 seat on the Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners. 

It appears that the candidates are in a three-way tie at this time,
but each for different reasons.

Ken Hagan (R) has the name recognition, but part of this is due to vast sums of campaign money collected from downtown Tampa consultants, lawyers and developers which he uses to put his campaign signs all over the county. Still, Hagan has to live with his record of trying to destroy the region’s natural environment in favor of yet more development. No jobs have been created during his shift on the commission, except those for consultants, lawyers and developers. Hagan chaired the task force recommending the largest tax increase in Hillsborough’s history.

Candidate Linda Saul-Sena (D) has spent the last 20 years advocating only for the interests of the city of Tampa. She has a lot of supporters there who will expect her to continue to deliver for them if she should be elected to a county board seat. Linda’s track record of trying to keep IKEA from building near Ybor city speaks for her lack of job-creation skills. Linda supports the largest tax increase in Hillsborough’s history.

Candidate Jim Hosler (NPA) has 18 years experience with the Hillsborough County Planning Commission. He has worked tirelessly both in and out of government, to assist small business create jobs, including an appointment by Jeb Bush to the Florida Department of Commerce as well as now running his own small-business development company. Job creation is the number one need in the county today. Hosler feels strongly that this is not the time to increase county taxes.

Neither Hagan nor Saul-Sena have shown any ability to actually improve the quality of life for people living in Hillsborough County. So-called job creation during their participation on the city council and county commission has resulted in local unemployment going from 8 to 12% with no signs of a turnaround.

A vote for Hosler is not a “wasted” vote, because he can win this election for the voters. Votes for Hagan or Saul-Sena are wasted in that all voters can expect from them is more of the same.

We don’t need more of the same.
We need something completely different.

Only Jim Hosler is offering Hillsborough voters something different.

Let the voters decide.

Candidates cry for attention

Cry-baby Ken Hagan was at it again this week.

Ken admits taking down one of Linda Saul-Sena campaign signs which had upset his tender sensibilities. What upset him the most was that she used his own words.

Cry-baby Linda says that Ken should keep his grubby little hands off her stuff.
Catch the Bay News 9 Video

Can’t we just have less crying and more discussions about things the voting public really cares about, like ethics in county government, meaningful term limits, non-partisan county politics, safe drinking water and accountability for spending our tax dollars?

Jim Hosler seems to be the only adult running in this race.

Let the voters decide.

When Jim Hosler speaks, others listen

Confused and Tharn


Ken Hagan and Linda Saul-Sena listen intently to County Commission candidate Jim Hosler. 

Many of Jim’s ideas on helping Hillsborough County get out of the current recession were a surprise. 

Who would have thought you could reduce unemployment with

Let the voters decide.